Coffee is most known for its perceived energy boost and mental focus benefits. When consumed in moderation, it also offers several other potential health benefits.
Coffee contains antioxidants that may reduce the risk of certain health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and some cancers. However, not all cups of coffee are created equal.
Some coffee drinks are loaded with sugar, while others are high in saturated fat. Learning how to make your coffee healthy can help you maximize its benefits.
Choosing a lighter roast of coffee is an easy way to make your coffee healthier. Roasting involves heating coffee beans to high temperatures, causing chemical changes that develop their flavors, colors, and smells.
The high temperatures may also impact their nutrient profile. A lighter roasting process helps the coffee beans retain more of their health properties.
Lighter roasts often contain more antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage. Antioxidants also help fight inflammation, which may contribute to health issues like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Many light coffee roasts also contain less acrylamide, a compound formed during roasting that may be harmful when consumed in large amounts.
A healthy cup of coffee starts with the type of coffee beans used. Coffee beans are grown worldwide, and research shows that different beans contain different compounds. These unique compounds offer varying health benefits.
When possible, choose organic coffee beans. They are grown without harmful chemicals or pesticides, retaining more of their health-promoting properties. While studies show that conventional coffee usually has a higher caffeine content, organic coffee contains more antioxidants.
The type of coffee beans may also influence the flavor of your coffee. Choosing high-quality coffee beans may give your cup of coffee a richer and smoother taste.
There are several ways to brew coffee. French press coffee is made by allowing the coffee to steep in hot water before separating the grounds with a plunger. Pour-over coffee is made by pouring hot water over coffee grounds in a filter. Drip coffee, where hot water drips through a filter filled with coffee grounds, is the most common method.
How coffee is brewed can make a big difference in its health benefits, and research suggests using a filter is important. A recent study found that coffee brewed with a paper filter may be better for you than unfiltered coffee.
Paper filters can catch harmful components found in coffee grounds. Research shows that the filters catch cafestol and kahweol, compounds that can increase cholesterol levels.
Adding natural flavors to your cup of coffee can enhance its flavor and offer extra health benefits. Ingredients like cinnamon, turmeric, and nutmeg can add spice to coffee and make it healthier without adding calories.
Cinnamon can improve brain function and protect against heart disease, while turmeric has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Including nutmeg in a well-balanced diet may improve cholesterol levels.
Be mindful of your portion sizes. Start by adding a small amount and adjust your portions as desired based on taste preferences and health effects.
Adding sugar to your coffee may be harmful to your health. While it might taste good, the latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting your added sugar intake to less than 10% of your daily calories. The American Heart Association calls for a daily cap on added sugars equivalent to 9 teaspoons for men and 6 teaspoons for women.
A diet loaded with added sugar can lead to problems with blood sugar control, weight gain, and heart disease. Try using less sugar or flavoring your coffee with a healthier alternative, like cinnamon. Spices can enhance the flavor of your drink without the harmful effects of sugar.
While ingredients vary between brands, most nondairy creamers are made of sugar, water, and vegetable oils. Consuming the added sugar and unhealthy fats in artificial creamers may cancel out the health benefits of your coffee. Diets rich in saturated fats and added sugar may contribute to diabetes, heart disease, and unintentional weight gain.
Instead of artificial creamer, try healthier options, like cow’s milk, almond milk, or a small portion of coconut milk. These creamy options can make your coffee taste great without compromising its health benefits.
Adding medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil to your coffee can make it more filling. MCTs are a type of fat that the body can use for quick energy. They are found in fat sources like coconut oil and milk fat.
Studies show that MCT oil acts as fuel for the brain and body, especially in low-carbohydrate diets. Research also suggests that MCTs may modestly boost metabolism and help you burn fat for energy. MCT oil is also easy to digest.
Some cold brew coffees may be better for your health than traditional hot coffee. Research also shows that cold brew is modestly less acidic than hot coffee, so if you are prone to gastrointestinal issues, cold brew may be easier to digest.
Coffee offers many health benefits, but too much of a good thing isn’t always good. It’s important to be mindful of your portion sizes.
Studies show that the average healthy adult can safely tolerate up to 400 milligrams of caffeine daily. While caffeine content varies, research suggests the average 8-ounce cup of coffee contains around 83 milligrams. This means most people should stick to roughly four cups of coffee or less per day.
Choosing a smaller cup of coffee may also help you control your sugar and cream intake. Smaller servings of coffee require fewer additives to change their flavor.
If you feel inspired to improve your coffee-drinking habits, there are other tips to consider. First, consider skipping the drive-through and making your coffee at home. Making your coffee gives you complete control over ingredients and portion sizes.
The timing of your coffee also matters. Caffeine may keep you awake, so drinking coffee too late in the day may make it harder to fall asleep at night. Try to avoid coffee within six hours of bedtime.
Additionally, try not to rely on coffee to wake you up in the morning. Getting enough sleep at night and starting your day with a healthy breakfast can help you feel more energized in the morning and throughout the day.
When consumed in moderation, coffee offers many potential health benefits. Still, not all cups of coffee are created equal.
To keep your coffee healthy, avoid adding too much sugar and avoid artificial creamers. When possible, choose organic coffee beans and a lighter roast.
There isn’t a one-size-fits-all way to enjoy coffee. Be mindful of your portion sizes, and talk to a registered dietitian nutritionist if you have questions about your coffee intake.