
Maybe he thought he’d spotted Ganon.

An apparent “Legend of Zelda” fan took his seeming obsession a bit too far in England, getting sentenced for toting a small but very sharp-looking replica of the Master Sword of Zelda series renown.

Anthony Bray of Nuneaton is looking at four months in the clink after being caught in public with the item, identifiable by the striking blue-and-gold coloring of the sheath, among other attributes.

The 48-year-old was arrested last month for “carrying a bladed article” with a cutting edge measuring around 6 inches, according to published reports.

“Bray claimed that the sword was a ‘fidget,’ something to keep his hands busy. He had bought it online as a fidget toy,” local cops in Warwickshire stated.

“Officers tried to explain to Bray that, despite its intended purpose, it was in fact a sharply pointed item which could be used as a weapon and might put others in fear of it being used against them,” authorities added.

Bray reportedly carried the legendary lookalike through the Nuneaton town center.

He claimed he’d never intended to use the replica as a weapon but acknowledged that it could have been perceived as threatening. In addition to his jail sentence, Bray was ordered to pay a a fee coming to about $166.

Sgt. Spellman of the Patrol Investigations Unit described a zero-tolerance policy regarding blades in public.

“It is possible to find fidget toys that aren’t six-inch blades. It is possible not to walk down the street holding them out in front of you. With a bit more self-awareness, Bray could have avoided contact with us completely,” he stated.

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