
General Daily Insight for November 25, 2024

Matters of the mind are likely to be frustrating at present. When the nervous Virgo Moon opposes nebulous Neptune, we may believe that having more information would increase our emotional security. Luna then shifts into social Libra and trines profound Pluto, so answers could be available if we have the patience to ask around. Even so, as intellectual Mercury turns retrograde at 9:42 pm EST, it probably won’t be a quick or easy process. In the meantime, we might try listening to our intuition.


March 21 – April 19

Getting stuff done could currently be harder than you’d think. You’re at risk of biting bite off way more than you can chew — at some point, you might just run out of energy! That doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve failed. As logical Mercury turns retrograde in your 9th House of Beliefs, look closely at the expectations you hold for yourself. It’s totally normal to have physical limits and need to rest. A worldview that doesn’t have room for that isn’t likely to succeed.


April 20 – May 20

Unsnarling a money matter could seem tedious now. What you’re able to find out from friends or social media might not be the whole story. While fact-finding Mercury covers old ground in your 8th House of Shared Resources, answers are probably available, but they won’t just be handed to you. As much as possible, hold off on making any decisions until you can get information from someone who knows what they’re talking about — even if this takes more time and effort.


May 21 – June 20

A relationship conflict may have more to it than meets the eye. Perhaps you’re unwittingly reliving a family dynamic from your childhood. If you expect a current companion to take care of you in the way a parent would nurture a child, you’re likely to wind up disappointed. That said, your longing is a guide to what you need — and learning how to nourish yourself is possible. That’s a piece of the problem you can control, but it’s not necessarily the only piece.


June 21 – July 22

Communicating accurately could presently be a challenge. You may be putting down typos or details that aren’t quite right. Perhaps you’d be better off just waiting until later! While busy Mercury takes a slower pace in your 6th House of Responsibilities, you’ll potentially feel like others are dragging their feet on paperwork you want to quickly finish. If a given task isn’t a priority for someone else with a stake in the situation, maybe it’s not actually that urgent. Look for perspective.


July 23 – August 22

An investment opportunity available to you could currently get your hopes high. Unfortunately, your expectations for it may not be entirely realistic. While calculating Mercury turns retrograde in your speculative 5th house, you’d be wiser to walk, not run, toward your goals. Feeling pressured to act right away is a reliable sign that whatever you’re considering probably isn’t that great. Ask someone you trust for guidance, but don’t necessarily limit yourself to the financial side of the issue — look at what’s really motivating you.


August 23 – September 22

A family relationship may abruptly turn out to be different from what you’d thought. Even though inquisitive Mercury is turning retrograde in your 4th House of Roots, you’re not required to stir up trouble for its own sake. In some situations, letting people see what they want to see is less destructive than pushing them to confront the naked truth at any cost. Contrastingly, a financial or practical question might need the actual facts to move forward. Know what’s worth pushing for.


September 23 – October 22

Telling part of the truth might be more trouble than it’s worth at the moment. Perhaps you’re trying to describe a situation in vague terms so that you don’t reveal a specific piece of private information. However, the story may not make sense without that crucial detail. Putting a muddled message into circulation is a quick way to inflame any confusion further. If you can’t speak freely enough to speak clearly, consider thinking through the problem by yourself for the time being.


October 23 – November 21

Backtracking on your budget isn’t a crime. Your friends might have an idea for a fun activity that involves spending money you hadn’t planned on — and going with the flow could genuinely sound worth it. Still, as thoughtful Mercury spins retrograde in your 2nd House of Resources, you’ll probably have to reconfigure things to make this change work. If socializing is a reliable source of temptation to run up a big bill, getting more comfortable with your own company may be necessary.


November 22 – December 21

You may currently be embroiled in a frustrating power struggle. Maybe someone else is jerking you around by being vague about what they want — you’d like to satisfy them, but you don’t know how! As analytical Mercury turns inward and reflective in your sign, you might need to look at how you’re contributing to this dynamic. Your strong desire to work things out could be working against you. By giving this person’s fluctuating grievances more attention than they deserve, you’re increasing their influence.


December 22 – January 19

Your dream life could be especially active today. As articulate Mercury digs deeper into your 12th House of the Subconscious, the images and scenes you encounter might speak more clearly than your actual words. It’s okay to admit that you know some things intuitively rather than through a totally logical thought process. Each tool is suited to its task, so do your best to spend your time on the types of activities that would be a good fit for this energy.


January 20 – February 18

Reconnecting with friends you haven’t heard from in a while could be exciting today. Still, you’ll have to be realistic about any changes that have taken place since you last met. If they have the idea, accurate or not, that you’ve gotten richer lately, they might be hoping that you’ll share the wealth. Take time before connecting to think through the circumstances under which you would be comfortable helping out. You don’t have to say no, but you should know why you’re saying yes.


February 19 – March 20

The truth could come out in public at any moment! Whether this is a good or bad thing depends on what you’ve been up to lately. If different people have heard conflicting stories, they may start to compare notes. With observant Mercury turning retrograde in your 10th House of Reputation, any narrative that doesn’t add up is at risk. On the plus side, if you’ve been keeping your charitable efforts to yourself, you might get recognition for that — try not to blush!

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